Not every filipino knows their rights, turning into slaves to things that aren’t right. The Philippines is currently ranked as a Tier 1 country according to the US Department of State, due to its recognizable huge and ongoing progress made in the fight against human trafficking in the Philippines; however despite its motions and action to disperse this issues it still remains as a significant problem. Men, women, and children are exploited from rural communities, conflict and disaster zones, and impoverished urban areas. With Indigenous persons, internally displaced persons, women, and children being the most at-risk populations. Online sexual exploitation of children is just one of many that are the most commonly known human trafficking acts that is said to be at an estimation of 50,000 Filipino children employed as domestic workers in the Philippines almost 5,000 are under 15 years old. In total, estimates say that between 60,000 and 100,000 Filipino children are impacted by labor trafficking or sex trafficking (McGeough, 2022).
With modern technology-such as smartphones, laptops, tablets- being the most prevalent accessory and necessity to our daily lives, It is no surprise that we also use these as conveniences towards looking for jobs, Hiring for jobs, and getting employed. Despite being a factor of innovations, it is no doubt that it won’t bring harm. Facebook addressed an alarming number of human trafficking according to an article by Duffy (2021) “we have been able to detect and remove over 4,000 pieces of violating organic content in Arabic and English from January 2020 to date.” wherein the company notes that these cases of domestic servitude content is “rarely reported to us by users. That can only give the thought that some users are actually tolerating the existence of job hirings that can actually harm them due to their situation.